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2009 (2)
Steven Husk

Steven Husk

CEO at FRSGlobal
Message Message me Posts: 2 Comments: 1
Bio My key role is to oversee the growth of FRSGlobal worldwide in response to the growing demand by organisations for technology that allows them to respond swiftly and effectively to risk and compliance requirements from different regulators across the globe. Career History My expertise is focused on building successful IT firms, notably in the financial services sector. Before joining FRSGlobal as Chairman in 2006, I was President of SunGard Trading and Risk for five years, where I led a team of more than 500 specialists responsible for marketing, developing and insta



Neither a borrower nor a lender be

05 May 2009

As Shakespeare's LORD POLONIUS advises us in Hamlet: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry" ‘Bubbles, borrowers and lenders'. Where do the regulators and our government stand in all of this gloom and doom? Our PM Gordon is spreading the word that this re...


Five steps for a new approach to risk management

23 Apr 2009

There has been a lot of discussion – and differing opinions - around how risk management must change in light of the financial crisis. But to find the path to recovery, there is perhaps some consensus emerging about what steps risk managers must now take. And with tight deadlines to conquer – such as the FSA’s October deadline for liquidity risk –...